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Acupressure is an old Traditional Chinese Medicine modality that works with the meridians in the body. These meridians are connected to the body's organ system and the vital energy Qi (pronounced Chi). TCM believes that blockages within the meridians can cause dis-ease, or illness. By detecting meridian and organ imbalance and applying pressure to the acupoint on the body helps to remove blockages in the meridians promoting the body's natural healing abilities, relaxation & wellness, eases pain, enhances blood and lymph circulation, calming nervousness & anxiety, and so much more. With acupressure helping with mental, emotional, and physical ailments it is a great modality to help keep the body in balance. This modality is mainly used on animals 2 years of age or older, unless they their body has a need for acupressure.


This modality pairs well with other bodywork modalities and is complimentary to veterinarian, physical therapy, and rehab care.

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List of Benefits

Enhances blood circulation

Encourages the body's natural healing abilities

Eases pain

Naturally corrects imbalances within the body

Calms nervousness and anxiety

Helps the body heal faster

Helps ease symptoms of disease

Preventative modality


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Who Can Benefit





Injury & Surgery Recovery


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List of Contraindications
Before an event (unless the animal has been receiving regular treatments)
Within 48 hours of breeding
Animals younger than 2 years old (unless they are injured or ill and has been seen by a veterinarian)

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